He already opened the Cream of Chicken, so Dale went with it and provided the chicken breast as requested. Next came Chicken Nuggets, Green Beans (substituted for the original choice of Black Beans), BBQ sauce and Beef Bouillon Cube. results: Salty
Dale has worked at KPMG for 2 years now doing Mergers & Acquisitions for companies, but really loves caring for our many fruit/nut trees and garden plants, as well as Scouts with his new duties as Scoutmaster! Vanessa loves being a full-time mommy of 3, and is constantly on the go with many fun activities and and being a silly Chorister for Primary music at church. Gavin is almost 7 yrs old, getting the hang of 1st grade, learning to play many songs on the piano and improving his soccer skills. Linnaea is 3, loves playing mommy and helping me do everything. She is so tuff, but oh so girly. Duncan is now 1, waddles everywhere, unloads dishwashers and cabinets and Loves hugs. We love having fun with our little family.
you're a good mom for eating that. lol
He will be a great cook on his mission!
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