The Houston Texas Temple

September 18, 2011

Only in Texas - 9/16/11

Pecan Pie in a Vending Machine for $18.50

We ended up buy a whole Pecan tree, instead of just a pie.

September 6, 2011

Gavin's 1st Day of Preschool - 9/2/11

He was VERY excited all morning. At 7am "Wake up mom, I'm going to be late for school". After explaining that we had 2 whole hours and wouldn't be leaving until the first number was 9, he proceeded to ask "What time is it now?" every 5 mins! And, "It's time to go" each time a 9 appeared on the clock. It was a very fun day, and he'll enjoy it every Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
Linnaea wanted in a picture too. She wore his backpack around when he got home in the afternoon. She wants to do everything he does.