The Houston Texas Temple

May 5, 2010

Linnaea's 1st bathtub bath

She only cried for a few seconds from water shock, then realized... this feels goooood. Gavin was the designated leg wetter and she eventually got all cleaned. She fell asleep after being wrapped up warm.

Banquet - 4/16

Our 1st Picnic together

The girls snuggled and napped on the blanket...

And the boys flew the helicopter and tossed the football...

Life is wonderful !

Aw, they love each other!

When Gavin pleads to hold his baby sister, this is what he usually means, just lay her across me as I sit here.
But she doesn't mind. She really likes Gavin.
She's happy just staring at him while he plays with her hands. (He's always wanted to see/hold her hand)
One of these days she'll finally laugh at him trying to entertain her.

Mommy and Gavin

We were actually both awake at the same time to have breakfast together again. Mornings are hard, but I've managed to get out a lot lately, closer to noon. When we do get out, Gavin never wants to go home. He would prefer a park be in our back yard, instead of our porch.

Linnaea 3wks - 4/14

She started smiling at her daddy at 1 1/2 wks (not gas), really responding 5 times in a row. She's so quiet, loves to be held and sung to by Gavin. She'll sleep for 5-6hrs as long as her daddy is holding her. We just love her and her little smiles.

The CALI Awards - 4/14

Dale received 3 CALI Awards, (a nationally recognized award for the person at each law school who receives the highest grade in a class), for last semester, and 1 Bankruptcy scholarship/award. The Kids ; ) and I met him at his school for the ceremony and yummy food afterward.
Linnaea was snuggly warm and asleep on her daddy, so she got to go up there with him. She's one of our two most important awards anyway.

Green Eggs